
November 16, 2024


The package contains functions for obtaining data from the US Census API. Under the demo folder are 39 demostrations/tutorials on accessing Census data, the Tiger line geometries, and map visualizations.

An introduction to the package is available here that describes step by step how to access a dataset and display a variable in a choropleth map.

Also the book Analyzing US Census Data: Methods, Maps, and Models in R by Kyle Walker is followed with this package and is available here

To install RcensusPkg enter the following command lines from an R console:



The following table list the functions from the package:

Function Description
get_category_strings For a Census Bureau categorical variable return a data.table with the variable’s integer values and corresponding label strings.
get_dataset_names Get the acronym names and descriptions of the Census Bureau’s datasets.
get_geography Get the list of geography entities available (state, county, tract, etc) for a specific dataset.
get_groups Get the names of Census Bureau variable groups and their descriptive parameters. Function produces a data.table of variable groups/tables and their descriptions.
get_multi_vintage_data Get Census Bureau data for a specific dataset, variables, and region in the form of a dataframe for multiple vintages.
get_variable_names Get Census Bureau variable acronym names and their label descriptions.
get_vintage_data Key function that gets Census Bureau data for a specific dataset, variables, and region in the form of a data.table.
join_it Outer join two dataframes that have a common column variable. Function uses fast data.table techniques to join two data.tables by their common key values.
long_to_wide Reshape a data.table from a “long” format to a “wide” format. Function calls data.table::dcast() to reshape a long single column and its values to multiple columns.
plot_us_data This function produces a ggplot2 based choropleth map of a discrete/continuous variable across all/selected US states including viewable placement of Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
remove_area_water Function removes water area geometries from downloaded Census Bureau shapefiles
tiger_block_groups_sf Returns simple feature (sf) of US Census block group boundary related geometric polygons, provided by the US Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line Shapefiles database.
tiger_cbsa_sf Returns simple feature (sf) of core based statistical area (CBSA) boundary related geometric polygons, provided by the US Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line Shapefiles database.
tiger_counties_sf Returns simple feature (sf) of the entire US county boundary related geometric polygons, provided by the US Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line Shapefiles database.
tiger_county_subsection_sf Returns simple feature (sf) of US Census county subsection boundary related geometric polygons, provided by the US Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line Shapefiles database.
tiger_landmarks_sf Returns simple feature (sf) landmark related geometric polygons provided by the US Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line Shapefiles database.
tiger_places_sf Returns simple feature (sf) places related geometric polygons provided by the US Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line Shapefiles database.
tiger_roads_sf Returns simple feature (sf) of US Census roads boundary related geometric polygons, provided by the US Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line Shapefiles database.
tiger_states_sf Returns simple feature (sf) of state boundary related geometric polygons, provided by the US Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line Shapefiles database.
tiger_tracts_sf Returns simple feature (sf) of US Census tract boundary related geometric polygons, provided by the US Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line Shapefiles database.
tiger_urban_area_sf Returns simple feature(sf) of the Census Bureau’s defined “urban area” boundary related geometric polygons, provided by the US Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line Shapefiles database.
tiger_water_sf Returns simple feature (sf) water related geometric polygons provided by the US Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line Shapefiles database.
tiger_zctas_sf Returns simple feature (sf) shapefile Zip Code Tabulation Areas(ZCTA) shapefile of the entire US.
wide_to_long Reshape a data frame from a “wide” format to a “long” format. Function is a helper in calling data.table's melt() function to reshape a wide data frame to a long form.

R packages