
November 16, 2024


The package contains a number of plotting routines that functionalize many of the geom’s contained in the ggplot2 package. Under the demo folder, 46 demonstrations are provided in showing how the functions can assist in statistical plotting for everyday use.

To install RplotterPkg enter the following command lines from an R console:



In your R application file include the package:


The following table list the functions from the package:

Function Description
create_bar_plot Function creates a ggplot2 based bar plot with optional scaling and ordering.
create_box_plot Function creates a ggplot2 based box plot with optional scaling, ordering and outlier viewing.
create_density_plot Function creates a ggplot2 based density plot with options for scaling, shading probability areas, and plotting observation locations.
create_density_ridge_plot Function creates ggplot2 based density plots stacked vertically (also known as ridge or raincloud plots).
create_heatmap Function wraps ggplot2 geom_tile to produce a heatmap that shows magnitude as an array of cells in two dimensions.
create_histogram_plot Function plots a ggplot2 based histogram with options for scaling and viewing observation locations. The function offers one of four ways of setting the number of bins.
create_range_plot Function returns a ggplot2 plot object displaying the individual spread or vertical interval/range for a collection of x/y pairs of points.
create_scatter_plot Function returns a ggplot2 plot object of x/y scatter points/lines. Options are provided for axis scaling and variable/non-variable dependent aesthetics.
create_stick_plot Function returns a plot object showing vertical/horizontal lines that run from a base value to a measurement value. Options are provided for scaling.
create_table Function incorporates the gt package to create tables primarily for R Markdown/Quarto documents. The function offers a quick alternative if just limited styling and formatting are required.
create_table_graphic Function creates a simple, non-scrollable static table to be laid out with other ggplot2 graphics. The function is based on grid along with the gtable package.
get_grob_component Function retrieves a grob component from a ggplot2 plot object.
multi_panel_grid Function creates a figure with title and arranges multiple plots/grobs across a given number of rows and columns. The function depends on the grid, gtable, and ggplotify packages.
percentile_table Function displays a table with lower/upper locations, values, average and spread between lower/upper from median to one hundred and twenty-eighth percentiles. The function returns a list with a viewable gt table along with the data.table containing the table’s values.
spread_level_plot The spread is defined as the difference between the 75th and 25th quartiles. Function returns a named list with a data.table of each level’s median, quartile values, and a ggplot2 scatter plot with medians along the x axis and spreads along the y axis.
stem_leaf_display Function accepts a named list of numeric vectors from which stem and leaf displays are provided.
symmetry_plot Function orders the numeric vector from low to high. It then divides the data into two groups: values above the median(u group) and values below the median(v group). The distances from the median for values in each group are computed. A scatter plot is created where distances in the v group are plotted along the x axis and distances from the v group are plotted along the y axis. If the upper and lower distance data forms a straight line then the original data is perfectly symmetrical.

R packages